
作者:经典语录 -



  1. 英文关于压力的句子
  2. 求关于压力的英语作文
  3. 关于热爱生活的英语句子



Learn to respect others and change yourself.


I don't want strong love. It's only plain and light that is beautiful.


Time is the most beautiful people, but also the landscape of efforts.


Suffering from their own adjustment, worry about their own comfort.


Listen to a song, think of a person, read something, and look forward to some words.


Life is like an electrocardiogram. If you want to have a smooth ride, you have to die.


The highest realm of life, put it down, everything goes with fate!


One mouthful can't get rid of sorrow, only one can get fat.


Sometimes some things, do not know than know happiness.


Treat love, I think I always have the most perfect emotional cleanliness!

Wrong direction, return to zero and start again.


Originally tear heart crack lung's sea oath, a sorry is invalid.


Some things, now it seems only so!

Learn to let go is to let go of yourself!

Calm when sinking, calm when floating!


Sometimes when you are busy, you should stop and love yourself.


He who can imagine for others will never be lonely.


Life is too short to be embarrassed!

No one is used to you, everything depends on yourself!


Put down a relationship but don't forget, forget a person but have memories.


Fate to be frank, fate to face.


Just a few decades of life, good time in front of us!


People in this life, with the right person, go the right way, do the right thing!

Take care of yourself and cherish yourself.


The world is too dark, fairy tales are too fake, people are too dark, we are too stupid.


The past doesn't have to be written off. I won't bother you for the rest of my life.


In this society, there is no right or wrong, only strong or weak.


People live a life, either deep, or interesting, or quiet.


I don't know why people live, so I'm still alive.

The more you care, the more tired you are!


In this society, fast fish eat slow fish, not slow fish eat fast fish.


Has been a pit, there have been dignitaries.


For those who don't love you, your initiative and flattery!

All things are lives, not by people.


Life tired, half from survival, half from comparison.


Life in the world, destined to suffer a lot of grievances!


I'm not arrogant, I'm not joking, I'm tired of relying on everything.


Lost on the road, lost in heaven. The cold wind blows away, nothing can be done.


No matter how big the world is, I will meet you; no matter how small the world is, I will lose you.

Let go of yesterday and cherish today!


Bow is not to admit defeat, is to see the road under your feet!


Later no later, once no longer once!


Don't lose your conscience when you are a man. Don't lose your heart when you do things.


Give me a sleeping pill and let me sleep until dawn.

The world is changeable, but the beautiful heart is unchangeable.


The most painful truth is better than the sweetest lie.


When I lose sleep, you should hold me to sleep.

Thanks for the time, let me understand!


The inner strength is always better than the outer pomp!


It's a success, not an exit.


Life as long as we work hard, we can not regret.

Who is right and who is wrong, be yourself.


Rely on people as the Ninth Heaven, life has to rely on their own!


The rest of your life is not that long. Please be loyal to yourself and live like yourself.


It's really too hard, too tired, too boring.


In my life, I am most sorry for myself.


My own way, I'd like to travel in the end.


Waiting is like a sleepless night, helpless and long.


A lifetime, too bitter, too tired, too difficult, too aggrieved.


People are like rolling paper. If you have nothing to do, try to pull as little as possible.


Sometimes, losing is more practical than owning!


The person who is most afraid of is often the one who loves most.


Shamelessness is more powerful than conscience, and wolf nature is more practical than human nature.


It's your insight that determines the limit of your life!


Miss love, miss love, Miss reality, Miss reality and existence.




〖Three〗、Stress is basically defined as an applied force or system of forces that tends to strain or deform a body. It is usually caused by something that is out of the ordinary from everyday life, things like tests, family problems and loss of job. Today students have a lot of stress because of a lot of different reasons. There are many things that cause stress for college students; school-related issues, relationships, and peer pressure. After all, college students have a lot of stress. If we stay focused and balance our life, we'll feel much more relaxed and healthier when it's time to wear our cap and gown. Now, that's an achievement we have earned for life!



〖Six〗、As everyone knows, stress is a natural part of everyday life and there is no way to avoid it. As the pace of modern life continues to increase, we are always feeling on the go from morning till night. And it is hard to slow down. It seems to us that everyone around us is aggressive. Therefore, whatever one does, he feels under stress all the time. It is clear that stress has much to do with the life in a competitive society.Different people, however, think of stress quite differently. Some believe that stress is not the bad thing it is often supposed to be. They are of the opinion that a certain amount of stress is vital to provide motivation and to give purpose to life. Others argue that stress contributes to one’s mental decline and hence endangers his health. According to them, relaxation, the opposite of stress, is essential for a healthy mind and body.



〖Nine〗、How to Reduce Stress.Stress is an inevitable part in our normal life. Many kinds of things, such as natural disasters, war and death can cause too much stress in our life. But according to a psychologist, on a day-to-day basis, stress may result from the small things: taking an exam, waiting in line, and having too many things to do in a limited time.We all need stress to add flavor, challenge, and opportunity to life, but too much stress can seriously affect our physical and mental well-being, It reduces the body’s immunity and harms the brain, If the stress lasts a long time, it may cause physical illness, insomnia, headaches, backaches, ulcers, high blood pressure-even heart disease.When stress does occur, it’s important to recognize and deal with it. There ore some methods we can try. A large number of physical activities can reduce onxiety. Shoring our stress with others can be enormously helpful. Making time for fun such os listening to music may be good medicine. Sometimes even crying is on efficient way to releose stress.





You are in distress, also don't be nervous, often from the shadows from the fountain of life.


Who can with profound content enrich every moment, who is in infinite to extend the life of their own.


Life is very short, but if only to notice its brief that doesn't even have a little value.


He who loses money loss, those who have lost their health loss, loses courage loses all.


People living in the world is like a ship sailing on the sea, the most important thing is to see the way forward.


Substantial content of the life is long. We want to life in terms of behavior rather than on time.


On the journey of life road. The future is very far and very dark. But don't be afraid. Not afraid of the people in front of the road.


Endure other people can't endure the pain, eat other people can't eat bitter, can harvest the results that income is less than others.


The road of life is progressive, always following the infinite spirit of the triangle cant go upward, what all stop him.


Fails, ten million people, there is a failure in do things not thoroughly, tend to be close to success is one step is not done.


DouBenShen life depends on the life, not depends on the job or location.


Is murder wasting other people's time, wasting your time is slow suicide.


You the most happy time, someone is tortured by the illness, and death struggle, struggle.


The most important thing in life is polite, it is the highest wisdom, is more important than all knowledge.


Success is the most important is not to look at the distance of fuzzy, and hand out to do.


When I'm alive, I want to be the master of life, and not be a slave of it.


The lamp of life for enthusiasm and lit, the boat of life because of hard and move on.


In order to try to play their role in life, love the life!


In the desire and without hope, life is life's greatest sorrow.


Life is like a sea, only the strong will of people, to reach the other shore.


Not a kind not through the contempt of suffering and struggle to conquer fate.


Don't make up my mind to develop thinking people, lost the greatest pleasures in life.


Burn a person's soul, is the love of life, that is to die.


Before we know what is life, we have wasted half of it.


Action is a cure for the fear, and hesitation delay will continue to nourish the fear.


Only the kiss with life and liberty, if he's fighting for a day.


Life is a puzzle, that is how to make one inch time is equal to one inch life.


A man is after a difficult first and then step into prosperity, only feel useful, comfortable.


Between successful and unsuccessful sometimes distance is very short, only the latter again a few steps forward.


Life is more difficult, the more I feel stronger, even is also more intelligent.

Cherish life will cherish today.



There is no reason not a rational life.


The ideal of life is for ideal life.


Should face life with a smile, no matter what happens.


Life contains one day, a day as a symbol of life.


Only the life like climbing uphill, footprints.


We only give life, can obtain the life.


Life is a struggle with exploring the flame of his toil.


We can't wait for the pleasure to steal our life!


None lives forever, nothing can be prolonged.


External pressure is increased, you should enhance intrinsic motivation.


Life, as long as you make full use of it is for a long time.


Failure due to ignore the finest point, began attaches great importance to the small success.


Long life may not good enough, but a good life is long enough.


To say no to people, life is the highest of all the treasures.


Life in the flash show bright, in the ordinary real.


I never consider ease and joyfulness as purpose of life itself.


Water met resistance in place, to get its energy liberation.


What called failure? Failure is the first step to something better.

